66th Sterijino Pozorje Festival Selector’s Report

Certainly, there have never been so many uncertain situations in the history of the Sterijino Pozorje Festival (formerly known as the Yugoslav Theatre
Festival) as in this season. The announcements of the premieres, followed by their cancellations, have become a daily and demoralizing phenomenon.
The uncertainty of planning, the obedience, that has sometimes been absurdly adjusted to suit the regulations and measures that protect us against
the COVID-19 pandemic, unfavorably affected the Serbian theater, which was already largely disoriented, humiliated, denied…..
Competition selection
66. Sterjino Pozorje Festival
International selection “The Circles” and „Second Stage
SATURDAY, 19th June – FRIDAY, 25th June 2021, 4, 6, 8 and 10 PM
Cultural Station Svilara (6b Đorđa Rajkovića St.)
Performance in honor of the award winners
“ All the world’s a stage, and all
the men and women merely players.“
William Shakespeare
Born in Bijeljina (Bosnia and Herzegovina) in 1959. He is simultaneously active as a theatre professional (he was the director of the National Theatre Sombor for twelve years, the director of the Serbian National Theatre Novi Sad for seven years, the director of the Sterijino Pozorje for three years, and the art consultant in the National Theatre “Sterija” in Vršac), a selector and jury member of the most respected theatre festivals, an educator (Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education in Sombor, teaching several courses, including Stage Art, Introduction to Theatre Art, etc.), a scholar in the field of literature (obtained his Ph.D. from the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade), and as a theatrologist.
His plays were staged in the Šabac City Theatre (Rabelais/Virtue/Sin, directed by Vladimir Lazić), the National Theatre Sombor (Maestro, a biographical play about the painter Milan Konjović, directed by Milan Nešković, and Mrazović – A Didactic Anti-Drama, directed by himself), the Youth Theatre Novi Sad (When I Was Swarthy, directed by Stevan Bodroža), and the City Theatre “Semberija” Bijeljina (A Comedy with a Developmental Disability, directed by Dušan Tuzlančić)…