69. Sterijino Pozorje Festival Selector’s Report

for the 69th Sterijino Pozorje Festival
26. maj – 3. jun 2024.
The (Post)apocalyptic Light of the Stage
I have watched around seventy performances from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Hungary, and Serbia. With all these in mind, I reached a final selection of seven performances in the competition selection and three in the non-competitive international selection “The Circles.” The primary criterion in selecting the performances was their artistic quality…
Competition selection
69. Sterjino Pozorje Festival
WEDNESDAY, MAY 29th 2024, 7.00 PM
Novi Sad Theater
International selection “The Circles”
and off-program
Performans Out of Competition
“ Dokle se god budemo samo hvalili, slabosti i pogreške prikrivali, u povesnici učili koliko je ko od predaka naših junačkih glava odrubio, a ne i gde je s puta sišao, donde ćemo hramati i ni za dlaku nećemo biti bolji.“
Jovan Sterija Popović
Selector 69th of the Sterijino pozorje Festival
Ana Tasić, PhD
completed her undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade in 2002 (Department for Management and Production in Theater, Radio, and Culture). In 2008, she earned a master’s degree in Theater studies with a thesis on “Treatment of Body/Corporeality in New Brutalist Drama and Theater” at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade. She defended her doctoral dissertation on “The Influence and Use of Electronic Media in Postdramatic Theater” in 2012 at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade, specializing in theater studies.
She has been a selector for numerous theater festivals, both national and international, including Days of Comedy in Jagodina (2007–2012, 2016–2018), Festival of Professional Theaters of Vojvodina (2011–2012), Showcase Program at Bitef (2008), Sterijino Pozorje, National Drama Program (2010), Montenegrin Theater Biennale in Podgorica (2012–2014), MESS Festival in Sarajevo, Bosnian-Herzegovinian Drama Program (2022), etc.

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