Workmen’s chronicle

Workmen’s chronicle National Theatre Subotica     DETAILS WEDNESDAY, 30th September, 9 PM/ SNT, “Jovan Đorđević” stage (the audience is on the stage) THURSDAY, 1st October, 7 PMSNT, “Jovan Đorđević” stage (the audience is on the stage) / rerun Director: VELJKO...

Semper Idem

SEMPER IDEMFrom Heaven to Hell, Maturing, Omen / Great Fall National Theatre Sombor   DETAILS TUESDAY, 29th September, 6 PM / SNT, “Jovan Đorđević” stage Written by Đorđe Lebović   Dramatization, Direction, Set design, and Music selection: GORČIN STOJANOVIĆCostume...

All is Gustav’s fault

All is Gustav’s fault Kosztolányi Dezső Theatre Subotica       DETAILS MONDAY, 28th September, 9 PM / SNT, “Pera Dobrinović“ stage Concept and direction: KOKAN MLADENOVIĆDramaturge: KORNÉLIA GÓLIComposer: ÁRPÁD SZERDASet design: MARIJA KALABIĆCostume design: MARINA...

Who killed Janis Joplin?

Who killed Janis Joplin? Serbian National Theatre Novi Sad and European Youth Capital OPENS Novi Sad DETAILS SUNDAY, 27th September, 8 PM  / SNT, “Pera Dobrinović“ stage (the audience is on the stage) Written by DIMITRIJE KOKANOV Directed by: SONJA...


MOVEMENT Bitef Theatre Belgrade     DETAILS SUNDAY, 27th September, 6 PM / Novi Sad Theatre РЕПРИЗА MONDAY , 28th September, 5 PM / Novi Sad Theatre / rerun MONDAY , 28th September, 10PM / Novi Sad Theatre/ rerun Directed by: JOVANA TOMIĆDramatization: OLGA...